Where we are
Where we are
Incubatore Startup is located in the Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy.
Metropolitan City of Naples
Incubatore Startup is in the Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy, with a population of over 3 million citizens, it is the third largest Italian city by number of inhabitants, and is the first for housing density. The metropolitan area of Naples is the 9th place for population among the most populous urban areas of the European Union. The entire metropolitan territory covers an area of 1171 km² and includes 92 municipalities, while the area “Northeast Naples” includes the municipalities of: Acerra, Afragola, Brusciano, Caivano, Cardito, Casalnuovo di Napoli, Casoria, Cisterna Castle, Crispano, Pomigliano d’Arco.

Metropolitan City of Naples
The municipalities that grew up mostly on the old streets via Nazionale delle Puglie, today are a sort of decent and densely populated neighborhoods in the city of Naples.
Incubatore Startup is then in the Metropolitan City of Naples, Via Prof. Filippo Manna, 7 80013 Casalnuovo di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
The territory of the Metropolitan City of Naples is very small and densely populated: it occupies just 8.6% of the bell surface in which more than half of the entire regional population is concentrated. In particular, Naples is the smallest of the 14 metropolitan cities. Its surface, including 1,171 km² of islands, is smaller than the size of the only town of Rome (1,287 km²), so much so that the distance between Naples and Caserta is equal to the diameter of the large ring road.
Such a small territory explains the extremely favorable location of Incubatore Startup, located on the same director of the Centro Direzionale di Napoli (Via Nazionale delle Puglie – Via Nuova Poggioreale), but close to all road and motorway junctions.
The location is strategic, close to motorway junctions (A1 Roma-Naples, A16 Naples-Bari, A3 Napoli-Salerno, Tangenziale di Napoli, Median axis). Naples Capodichino Airport is 5 minutes away. The area is well served by walking shops such as post office, pharmacy, restaurants, banks, bars, hotels.
There are several shopping malls in the area (Meridiana Center, Ikea, Leroy Merlin, etc.) and many IT companies (Focelda, Computer Discount Computer, Esprinet, etc.).
The center is located in the district of Naples – Casalnuovo Metropolitan City, where the main IT companies are located (eg Focelda, Neapolis Microtec, Informatica, Trexon, Danger PC, M & A Informatica, ECM Informatica, Napoli Software, Toner Company , Computer Software, Infocenter, Business Services, Fat, Computers Gross Italy Cash & Carry, Sidus Computing, Crabs, Gm Enterprise, Comet Spa, Nedea, Networkservice, Teamsys, Team Assistance, Enexus, Proger, , Dac Software, SMS Engineering, Datamatic Spa, IT & Digital Solutions, Epsilon, Medical Informatics, Esprinet, LC Group, Insem, Advanced Systems, etc.).
Ideal geographical location, close to motorway junctions (A1, A16, A3, Tangenziale, Mediana Axis), 10 minutes from Naples Airport. Well served area by transport network, bus stop, Vesuvius Salice Station.
In the immediate vicinity and within walking distance: banks, hotels, restaurants, pharmacy, post office and various shops, offices, bars, restaurants and hot plates ideal for a pleasant lunch break.
Large free parking spaces are available, both in public condo and public outdoor areas, overlooking the property.

Where we are
Keyword: where we are, Incubatore Startup, where we are, Wwhere we are, Incubatore Startup, business center, business incubator, startup labs, serviced offices, meeting rooms, company domiciliation, virtual officeVia Nazionale delle Puglie, where we are.