Who we are

Who we are
Who we are: business incubation can be a profitable endeavour.
In most cases, incubation programs have been established and managed by local public sector organizations.
Their objectives and ability to fund operations are typically locally or regionally focused, undercapitalized, and absent of any desire to replicate their success. Most are undercapitalized because the agencies that fund them are unable to guarantee continued support for the period required to make them sustainable.
The funding for public sector organizations tends to be driven by annual budgets, and there is seldom an ability to plan for multiple year funding and acquisitions.
For this reason, while there are many examples of sustainable incubators, there are few that are replicable because they are almost always formulated as one time projects, rather than systems.
Incubatoresatrtup.com seeks to ensure that the required capital for the incubator is allocated, and that there is understanding of the economies of scale and economic impact that can be achieved by establishing the system, and putting into place management standards that will provide adequate support for the system.
Incubatorestartup.com has developed a model for privately owned, self sustainable, profitable and replicable business incubator.
After the experience in Casalnuovo di Napoli, the purpose is to establish a sustainable, replicable business incubator network to ensure that the incubator model is adapted to fit the environment in a manner that will maximize its utility to national and international entrepreneurs, and for other locations where the model is applied.
Casalnuovo di Napoli business incubator
Incubatorestartup.com has the mission to attract national and multinational companies in Campania, Italy, by providing a wide range of support services including physical space, business support services, integration opportunities and networking.
With a facility of over 4500 square meters, beyond external areas, Incubatorestartup.com search also for national and multinational companies to conclude trade distribution agreements in Italy and Europe and technology cooperation.
Business incubation services in Naples Metropolitan City
Incubatorestartup.com is located in the Naples Metropolitan City, which accelerates and systematizes the process of creating new businesses and develop existing businesses by providing a wide range of support services that include:
– Physical spaces ready for businesses, professionals and agencies,
– Business assistance and support services,
– Integration and networking opportunities.

Who we are
Incubatore Startup is a multifunctional center, a business park designed to accelerate business development through flexible work environments and work spaces designed to meet business needs.
Business services facilitate business activation and growth, offered by internal and external businesses and professionals belonging to the Incubatore Startup network of contacts.

Startup Labs
The business incubator offers startup premises, laboratories, furnished offices, meeting rooms, domiciliation, virtual offices, business assistance. It is the place where to start or develop innovative businesses along with business support and consulting services such as business management, marketing.

Serviced Offices
In the Incubatore Startup the entrepreneur, the aspiring entrepreneur or the startup entrepreneur can find:
– Equipped and flexible working spaces, instantly activated, allowing you to not have to bear initial investment and start your own business immediately;
– Help services, consulting, incubation and acceleration services to take the first steps serenely and start the desired activity or develop your business.

Meeting Rooms
Our goal is to support the birth, establishment and development of national and multinational businesses, facilitating the creation of a network of entrepreneurs, startupers, universities, local authorities, associations and local communities, promoting competitiveness and productivity.

Training rooms
Contact us if you want more information on how we can help your business to grow, saving time and money.

Business Center
Keywords: About Us, Incubatore Startup, Incubator of Companies, Naples, Italy, consulting, startups, equipped laboratories, furnished offices, meeting rooms, domiciliation, Who we are, Incubatore Startup, Naples, Italy, Napoli, office space, premises, serviced offices, labs, virtual office, meeting rooms, domiciliation, training rooms.